Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Board exam? What board exam?

This past weekend, Saxon turned 5 months old!!! He celebrated by going geocaching with his Uncle Robert, his soon - to - be Aunt Mette, and Mom and Dad. Robert and Mette introduced us to the world of geocaching, in which one uses a handheld GPS device to locate a box ("cache") hidden by someone else, who leaves the coordinates where the box can be found. Some were very cleverly hidden. It's a great way to get outdoors and spice up a nice walk (call it "hiking with a purpose"). We all had a great time. Here is a picture of us with our first "find."

Earlier this month we took Saxon for his first trip a top the Sandias, but then we just did a little walking around (we didn't feel it was necessary to subject the child to cliff hugging trails at this tender age).

After all the hiking, Saxon wasn't up to much jumperooing ans just wanted to chill out in the bumbo and watch Shrek 2. He likes the donkey. Yes, the parents with no actual television have succeeded and creating a 5 month old DVD junky. And do you know why? Because it's the only way Mommy gets to take a shower in the mornings. Oh brave new world, that has such gadgets in it!


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