Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Friday, October 27, 2006

The 2006 Balloon Fiesta!

In October every year, Albuquerque has a Balloon fiesta spanning 9 days. Hot air balloonists from all over the world come and show off their mad ballooning skillz to a crowd of adoring fans. It's actually pretty cool -- very colorful and inspiring and all. And plus, you can buy pork chop on a stick.
This year we went with Saxon's godparents, Courtney and Haden. Some of the balloons were pretty amazing, with wierd shapes and humorous slogans. I kid you not, there was a balloon shaped like a can of Alpo dog food. Seriously. They also had an octopus, and eagle, a stagecoach, cars, animals, etc etc etc.
Saxon really enjoyed himself. Here he is posing by his favorite balloon:

Here is a picture of some of the balloons, taken one morning from our balcony. (I confess, we were too lazy to get up and go to the fiesta at 0'dark thirty).

And, in a total non-sequitur (except that it was taken at balloon fiesta park), here is a picture of the giant baby that ate Tokyo...


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