Saxon Michael Baker

Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Those animals!

This week Saxon got to go on his first trip to the zoo -- and what a zoo it was! We found ourselves with a free afternoon in San Diego, and felt that a trip to the San Diego Zoo was just what the doctor ordered after Mommy's exam. Holy cow that's a big hippo Mom!
It was quite sunny there, so we dressed Saxon in lots of sunscreen and long sleeves and a floppy hat. In other words -- the mummy in the picture? That's our boy. (I call this one "boy with camel")Of course no trip to the World Famous San Diego Zoo would be complete without seeing the World Famous San Diego Pandas! (if you look closely, there is a Panda in the background. A Real Live Panda, not one of those cardboard cutout jobs. And he was doing really cool things for us like, well, like walking, and climbing a tree.) Yay for Mr. Panda!!!!Just in case you missed the Panda in the first picture, here is a picture of one of the Pandas. This, by the way, violates my "No pictures on the blog if Saxon is not in them" credo, but if you can't bend the rules for an endangered animal, who can you bend them for?